The simple step to success you aren’t taking

Yesterday I worked with a Private Client to define her theme in business for 2023 and plan for the 1st quarter of 2023. When I say plan simple, I mean the key things to focus on, all of which are going to help her build a solid foundation.

All the points of action for her business are helping her accomplish one goal – build expertise.

From this foundation of confidence in her expertise, she will have a solid footing to move with ease into the next level of her business.

If you want to succeed at something, you don’t have to do more, you most likely need to be doing LESS. Yep, less is more!

When I say “succeed” here, I mean achieve a goal.

Whether your goal is tangible or intangible.

Whether it is to build a business, improve your health or make more money!

The principle is the same and simple.

  • Start where you are.
  • Start with the smallest step in the direction of your goal.
  • Master that step and then move to the next.

Focus on ONE THING.

Get really good at it and the next step will automatically reveal itself.

You see your mind works well when you focus on one thing at a time.

We tend to want to do everything all at once. We see people who have achieved the goal and think we need to be doing EVERYTHING they are doing to achieve it.

The truth is,

Success is the sum of small steps.

Long leaps can take too much energy and lead to a fall.

When you try to do everything all at once, you get overwhelmed.

Your energy and attention get divided between multiple “new” things to learn and do.

This means you end up not really doing anything well.

And your mind is like “WTF!?”

You end up exhausted and feeling like a failure.

Let’s take the example of improving your health.

You’re starting at ground zero.

Never exercise in your life or think about what you want to eat to feel good in your body.

You start on day 1 with the following new additions to your day: a 1 hr walk, drinking 3 litres of water, meditating and cutting out sugar.

You do these 4 things for maybe a day or 2.

On day 3 you start feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

So you give up because it’s too hard. This starts the noise in your head about being lazy or incapable and whatnot.

Of course, this is too hard!! You’re expecting so much from your mind and body.

They need time to adapt to simple new habits.

Start with just 1 thing: Like adding a walk to your routine. SIMPLE!

The other thing with doing too many things all at once is that you can’t clearly know what’s actually working for you, and HOW it’s working for you. There are too many variables. If you do 4 things at once, and certain health parameters improve because of only ONE of those things, you won’t know which one is actually working. You don’t have to do everything! You just need to do what WORKS FOR YOU to succeed.

Yep, you read that right. Just because green juice works for someone else, does not mean it will work for you.

Just because Instagram ads work for someone else does not mean they will work for you!

This is why it’s important to take 1 step at a time.

1) To experiment and identify if that step actually works for you.

2) If that step works for you, then you can get really good at it and it will be a solid foundation for you to build on.

This is true for building wealth too.

Build confidence at one level till you’re a natural at it and it becomes subconscious.

Then move to the next level.

Same thing in your business.

In the Coaching business, I would say, get really good at one offer.

Then create another.

Here’s the beauty in this: when you have a solid foundation, rooted in confidence and self-belief – because you DID THE THING you said you would – you cover your next steps with greater ease.

The more you move forward, the greater the momentum.

After some time, you will notice that all the things that felt overwhelming in the beginning are now effortless for you. Like when you first started driving a car, but now you don’t even have to think about it.

SIMPLIFY! This is my mantra.

I am super passionate about simplifying things for you.

I am blessed with the ability to break complex concepts down into their simplest form so it becomes easy for you to apply them in your life.

In case you’re wondering what your next step towards your goal is, you can join the “Date with your Desires” workshop.

In this workshop, we will set the intention for 2023 and you will leave with actionable steps towards your goal.

All my love,

PS. Are you following me on Instagram yet? @wellnessbyraashi

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